Trip South

Thursday morning I headed south.

First thing was a meeting with RBC Dain Rauscher. My former broker left the company to start his own. So this was a get to know you meeting with someone else there to see if I liked their investment philosophy. I need to decide whether to follow my old broker to the company he just started, or stay with RBC.

I got my hair cut.

Thursday evening I finished sorting two years worth of paper, then started filing it. By filing, I mean that 80% was ripped up and thrown in recycle.

Friday morning I had a meeting with the broker at his new office.

In the afternoon, I hung out with Kim at Remedy Tea. I love that place. Also, Kim gave me a present. She told me not to open it in front of my family.

Friday night I went to a yule party. Had goose for the first time. Also, bacon cookies. Yes, Daniel I have now had bacon cookies. They were good.

Today I drove up to Bow, where they have a little chapel. Watched my sister Elaine get married. I cried. Also cried thinking about my mom and Matt earlier today too. I’m a little emotionally fragile, but I got it under control before I picked up Gram and Gramps before heading to Bow. My sister looked really good, and I really like Brian’s parents.

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