King County Charter Amendment No. 2 – Prohibiting Discrimination

Shall Section 840 of the King County Charter be amended to add disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity or expresion to the prohibited grounds for discrimination in county employment and county contracting, and to limit the prohibition against discrimination in county contracting to contracts with non-governmental entities, as provided in Ordinance No. 16204?

This one is a big duh!

It should obviously be enacted. I know the libertarians and bigots will not be happy (and no they aren’t the same group generally). For the libertarians, this is the difference between theory and reality. To the bigots, I don’t care what you think.

King County Charter Amendment No. 1 – Elected Elections Director

Shall the King County Charter be amended to provide that the position of a county director of elections be created as a nonpartisan elected office.

The push behind this charter amendment comes from anger over the 2004 gubernatorial election and continued elections problems since then.

The theory is that an elected elections director will improve elections. For the moment, I’ll take that at face value.

However, how it will improve elections is dubious. In fact, I think it will make it worse. Elections directors who haven’t been able to get elections procedures right have resigned or been pushed out. If elected, I can’t see that being the case. An election is not a referendum on technocrat qualifications. It’s a popularity contest. (Though it could also be viewed as a contest of groups as well.) Rather than being accountable for quality, it becomes accountability to the interests of the dominant popular group.

And that’s really what I think is the reason why this is being pushed. An appointed elections director doesn’t have to kow tow to what Republicans want, so they need a way to get control.

Plus, do we need the costs associated with another election? We don’t need all the elected positions we have in the country. Frankly, I think we should make the sheriff position appointed as well. We don’t need more than an elected executive an council.

Dino Rossi deposition

Quick summary, mostly for my own later recollection. Two (former?) judges are suing the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) and possibly it’s affiliates for illegally operating as an unregistered campaign committee. There’s also a lawsuit by the state attorney general’s office against the BIAW for a similar issue, that I believe is prompted by a referral from the state Public Disclosure Committee. Records from the BIAW indicate that Dino Rossi called several BIAW affiliates at the behest of the main BIAW organization. If the substance of those calls was to support a then unannounced candidacy by Dino Rossi for governor, he would have been participating illegally. Rossi’s position is that he not only hadn’t announced, he was 75% sure that he wouldn’t be running. He was just helping to mend a rift between the affiliates and the main BIAW.

Today the lawyers for the two judges got to depose Dino Rossi. Present as far as I can remember were those two lawyers, Withey and Lowney. (Pardon me if I get some of the names wrong.) Patterson represents Rossi. Maguire represents the BIAW. And Dino Rossi was there, obviously. I may be missing someone important. Here is a draft record of the Dino Rossi deposition.

So here’s my commentary on it.

No smoking gun, obviously. Not sure why there really was a need to get this done before the election. Rossi isn’t dumb. He wasn’t going to admit to anything that would have cost him the election.

I want to whack most everyone in the transcript with a whiffle ball bat. Rossi frequently ranted about his opponents without answering questions. Withey asked awful non-factual questions. Patterson ranted himself, and interrupted to go on rants rather than just make objections. Lowney actually asked factual questions mostly, which was good. But he also got into machismo posturing and arguing with Patterson and Maguire for no purpose I can see whatsoever. Almost as bad as a 5th grader yelling you take that back!.

In the end, we know nothing important about anything. And for that, I blame everyone involved in the deposition.

Initiative 1029 increasing requirements to be a long term care provider

This measure would require long-term care workers to be certified as home care aides based on an examination, with exceptions; increase training and criminal background check requirements; and establish disciplinary standards and procedures.

Another initiative for which I have experience. However, I’m not nearly so sure about my choice in this case.

On behalf of my mom, I hired and had experience with seven different caregivers during the last four months of her life. In addition, I had a fair amount of contact with hospice workers who would be covered under the act. The initiative will also cover nursing home and care facility workers, and I didn’t have that experience with mom.

No one wants to put their loved ones in a nursing home or care facility only to have the facility cut corners, make ends meet, or increase profits by hiring unqualified help that’s cheaper than needed to do a job properly. But people also don’t want to pay a lot of money for this care.

The same problem exists for the situation mom was in. We wanted qualified people, but my mom also didn’t want to spend a lot of money. At the current going rates, she could actually afford a year+ of full time care, but she’s frugal. Other folks may not have the nest egg mom had, and so cost is a huge issue.

The problem is fairly simple economics. If you limit supply (by imposing a minimum level of quality), prices will rise.

It doesn’t take a lot of training to be able to do the job needed to care for my mother. Not minimally at least. By imposing legal minimums I suspect more folks will just go outside legal providers and use unlicensed providers. I couldn’t find a penalty in the law that would have applied to my family. They all seem to apply to businesses. Three of our seven caregivers were people we hired and put on our own payroll and paid taxes for and everything. Three were self-employed, and I believe they could be penalized, though I’m not sure how they could be caught if they avoided the requirements. But I digress a little. If I can’t afford to hire people who have the minimum legal qualifications through a licensed agency or similar, I would absolutely have to hire unlicensed workers directly. For people who need caregivers, there is little other option. We can’t just go without. Someone has to bathe mom, or brush her teeth, or wipe her bum, or move her so she doesn’t get a bedsore. Under the initiative, legally that could only be a licensed person, or a very close family member. Few families will have enough close family members to provide 24 hour care. They can pony up the extra money for licensed, but if you ain’t got it (and it’s expensive even for unlicensed folks currently) or you got a little but have to make it last, a lot of people will just hire unlicensed folks.

How bad was the caregiving we got? Not awful, but I hated the experience. I would have preferred to pay more and get better care (mom was “frugal” though). Physically, we had few issues. One caregiver was ditzy and mixed mom’s food wrong. And a couple were pretty locked in to their belief that pain medication was the right thing for all terminal patients. Nothing big. The real problem we experienced was that the caregivers all had personal issues that affected their readiness to work. Nothing that would come up in the required background check. Sick days that were called in 1/2 hour after their shift started. Mental health days because the work is stressful. People taking other jobs without telling us and not working for us, last minute. People overestimating how much they could handle. I think with the increased pay that would occur with the increased requirements, some of these issues would go away, because better adjusted people would be attracted by the higher pay.

So, is the initiative worth it? I’m inclined to say no. We could have paid more anyway and gotten higher quality. There’s nothing preventing people from hiring people right now who have 75 hours of training. Sucks for the people who can’t afford it and don’t get assistance (or enough assistance). They will be stuck with lower quality care. But I think that would be the case regardless.

I do like some aspects. I like the idea of a minimal license requiring a background check that could be revoked on misconduct.

I think most of the goals could be accomplished without pricing everyone out. Add an endorsement(s) on that license for additional training. Generous subsidies for people who hire trained folks. Rather than forbid people from working without training, make it worth their while to get it. It would cost a lot, but it would have a lot better chance of succeeding.

A couple of big negatives with the proposed initiative aside from economics. Legally, I wouldn’t be able to care for a family member unless they were a biological, step, or adopted parent or child. I could not care for a brother. My step-father might not legally qualify, since I was never adopted. Perhaps since he cared for me before I turned 18 he qualifies, but if mom re-married after I was an adult, would he be my legal step-father? What about cousins? I couldn’t care for my grandparents legally without yearly training and licensing. The definition of family is pretty narrow.

So I think I will vote NO on this initiative. I think it will only have limited success as currently structured. But I don’t have a crystal ball and I don’t think it will hurt much either if passed. Some folks will just go the unlicensed route. Basically, the government would have to fork out some dough to accomplish the goals, and this doesn’t do it that way.

Initiative 1000 allowing terminally ill competent adults to obtain lethal prescriptions

This measure would permit terminally ill, competent, adult Washington residents, who are medically predicted to have six months or less to live, to request and self-administer lethal medication prescribed by a physician.

I just spent 19 months watching my mom slowly die of A.L.S.

I visited her daily. I took care of her. I was present for every doctor visit for the final year, and many before that. I am pretty damn familiar with Whatcom County hospice now. Mom’s decline was not pretty.

My mom would never make use of this law were it on the books. I’m pretty certain she would have voted no had she lived another few weeks (her absentee ballot arrived the day she died). Mom was a devout Catholic. She believed in the sanctity of life. I understand believing that it isn’t right to take one’s life. I think that’s perfectly legitimate, even for religious reasons.

But having seen what mom went through means I do not want to go through it, at least not the last couple of months. So I am voting YES. I don’t have mom’s religious convictions.

Unfortunately, if the initiative passes and I get the same form of A.L.S. mom had and progress similarly, it won’t help me. Mom did not have the use of her hands or mouth the last six months she was alive. I wouldn’t be able to self-administer a lethal prescription.

It’s still a good first step.

I write this even knowing that I would be pretty happy even in a paralyzed body. Give me a computer with an internet connection that I can operate and I would get by as far as intellectual stimulation. Once I was certain my breathing had taken it’s final turn for the worse though, I’d want to avoid the final weeks of pain and discomfort.

One of the arguments I’ve read against the initiative is that palliative care has advanced to the place where pain is no longer an issue. This is not true. Pain management comes with a cost that some people may find even more unpalatable: being mentally slowed. Even with the best morphine drip management around (and according to Whatcom County Hospice, pain management is accomplished essentially through morphine), a person’s intellectual and emotional well being is affected. Mom did not want to be drugged. I don’t think I would be so averse to it, but there are still limits to what I would accept. After that, my choice is still pain or early death.

One other argument is that it opens the door to pressure from family members and others to commit suicide. A terminal patient does not want to be a burden. According to this argument, while it might be acceptable (for the sake of argument) to commit suicide to avoid pain, it isn’t okay to avoid being a burden. The thing is, it’s not so black and white. On one end you could have family members actively trying to convince someone to off themselves so they’d get more money, and a vulnerable person might agree where they wouldn’t absent the pressure. And on the other end I think it’s perfectly legitimate for a person to factor being a burden into their decision, provided that the patient makes the decision without duress. There’s a big gray area where distinguishing discussions between family members from duress by people who have something to gain (time, money, other lovers, etc.) could be really tough. The only sure solution is to not enact the initiative. Which is, of course, the argument. However, that’s throwing out the good that giving the choice to people will accomplish. I think that outweighs the mostly theoretical bad. I’m pretty certain at some point someone will kill themselves under duress. We don’t decide to avoid war because one person dies. We weigh the gains against the losses. One life is not so precious as to be invaluable. I’m a pragmatist. Life is very valuable, but it’s not infinite. Plus, this doesn’t change the situation from the way it is right now. A person could kill themselves right now. They could do it under duress from a family member, under current law. The initiative doesn’t change that.

There’s also slippery slope arguments. If we do this, we are on the road to wanton euthanasia. I doubt it, but if it comes to that, we can reverse the law. All it takes is political will.

The law doesn’t give me as a terminally ill person additional options. I can already kill myself or choose extended palliative care. What it does is make it easier for me to make that painless, to assure that my family and doctors are protected, and to preserve my heirs insurance money.

I wish it allowed for a person to actually assist, but that can be done later if we have the will.

An emphatic, if regretful for the necessity, YES.

Initiative 985 concerning transportation

This measure would open high-occupancy vehicle lanes to all traffic during specified hours, require traffic light synchronization, increase roadside assistance funding, and dedicate certain taxes, fines, tolls and other revenues to traffic-flow purposes.

Yet another Tim Eyman initiative. While an ad hominem attack is generally not a good way to convince people of the rightness of one’s position, there’s truth to the proposition that a leopard doesn’t change it’s spots. All but one of Tim Eyman’s initiatives have been crappy unconstitutional initiatives. So the likelihood of his current one being the same is pretty high. So I’m not going to devote a lot of time to this one.

The obvious answer on this initiative is NO.

Opening up HOV lanes except for really small narrow hours is just dumb. It will prevent our already slow bus system from arriving on time at all. Which I suppose is fine with Mr. Eyman since he prefers to drive. One thing I heartily believe is that adding new miles of road doesn’t alleviate congestion. It will just fill up with additional drivers. Simple economics. If there isn’t a marginal cost to driving (and there isn’t with free roads), people will use the roads until the congestion builds up so much that they pay the cost in time. To increase capacity in a transportation system overall, a region needs to add capacity at an order of magnitude above the population growth. That can’t be done with roads. It can be done with rail (particularly subway or elevated), and possibly with buses (though I’m skeptical of that one).

The second objection I have is similar to the backing argument for the first objection. The dedication of funds to traffic-flow means taking money from mass transit and using it on road miles. Not a solution.

I think traffic cameras have the potential to be abused, so I don’t have huge problems with the initiative diverting revenues from them elsewhere, or for traffic light synchronization. But neither of those would would make a noticeable difference overall.

So, no.

My 2008 General Election Ballot

I wrote a few months ago that I would write a series of posts comparing and contrasting the positions held by Barack Obama and John McCain. I did not do this. For this I apologize. I’m sure everyone who has chanced on this blog has despaired of ever receiving my wisdom.

Fear not! For while you shall not read a series of posts comparing their positions, I am about to do a series of on each item on my ballot. Some may be grouped together.

Stay tuned…

ALSA Evergreen Chapter

Mom asked that if folks want to donate money the appropriate donee would be the ALSA Evergreen Chapter:

There’s a donation page there.

Also the Walk to Defeat ALS is over, but they’ll still accept donations that way. Mom’s collected 10,853 so far. If you donate you could put her over 11,000.

What now?

I am okay. I am relieved. Since January, mom basically wanted just a few things and she got to do them. She saw my grandmother’s 80th birthday party. She got to see her second grandson. She out-raised by far everyone else in the Bellingham Walk to Defeat ALS. SHe is no longer in pain, though her pain was never severe like a cancer patient’s can be.

I miss her, and will miss her. And I will have emotional breakdowns on occasion. I know this from previous experience. I am far more content than when Matt died though.

A vigil will be held Sunday night at St. Joseph’s Church in Lynden. The funeral will be Monday at 11 am, followed by a burial a half mile away from mom’s house, and then a reception back at the church. My friends are welcome to come even if you didn’t know mom, though by no means will I be disappointed if no one does. I don’t need support there, but I will need to decompress afterward. I am extremely uncomfortable with people expressing condolences to me, which will happen in spades at the services.

I’ll write this now. Feel free to give me a hug. I know some folks are concerned about me. I need the hugs. I need people. However, I am not ready to talk about mom’s death. Period. Or really about my mom or her illness at all at the moment. If I want to talk about it, I’ll bring it up. If you see me crying in a corner (or not in a corner), give me a hug, sit with me, hold my hand, provide hookers and blow, but please please please don’t ask me to tell you what’s wrong.

I am the executor for mom’s will. For the most part that will be pretty simple. It goes to dad. But I need to close up some accounts, deal with some investments, and help distribute personal items that my mom wanted people to get. I will also have to do some things to help dad get set up independently. Things like signing him up for Medicare, maybe teaching him some basic cooking, etc. None of this will I start really until next week though.

I will move back to Seattle full time some time in November. I expect to be there every weekend from now on. I’m not sure what I will do once I have moved back. Things I have considered: working at Barnes and Noble or another bookstore, restarting my plans to open a bookstore, buying an unlimited Greyhound travel ticket and hosteling around the U.S., going back to work in software, taking an ALS patient advocate position, running for city council.

Jason came back up here today and has been shepherding me. I don’t have any required things to do until Sunday.

I plan to be in Seattle Saturday night. I will be out dancing at the Noc Noc. I need some normalcy. I need loud stompy music to calm my mind.

What happened

Mom agreed last week to start taking morphine if the doctor and hospice could put together a drug cocktail that would limit the side effect of stomach cramps and itching. With the use of diphenhydramine hydrochloride, that shouldn’t be a problem. The hospice nurse was supposed to bring the drugs and instructions for administering them. I was there to transcribe the instructions or at least be another person besides mom who understood the instructions. Dad doesn’t get complicated instructions. Mom can’t retell them very well, even though she understands them. Hospice nurse didn’t show. Turns out Tuesday was her day off and she had rescheduled mom’s visit for Wednesday but didn’t tell mom. I left around 12:30 after waiting a few hours and calling a few times before finding all this out. Anyway, this is important (in my head at least) because mom wasn’t on morphine and my understanding of later events was colored for a time not knowing if it was mom’s condition, or her taking of morphine that was causing her to be non-responsive.

At 9 o’clock the evening caregiver called. After she fed mom, mom had regurgitated most of her food. This is something that had been happening for a couple of weeks, but on a smaller scale. All mom had told me though was the new food formula didn’t agree with her. I suspect it was more her body just rejecting food at all. I’m not a doctor though, so that’s a judgment call I’m not qualified to make. Tuesday night though, a fair amount went up far enough and back down into her lungs. They had suctioned what they could from her throat, but mom was having trouble breathing and was in distress. The caregiver told me it was the end. I discounted that pronouncement though because she’s seemed a little too ready in the past for things to be the end, when they weren’t. But it still was serious and I grabbed a book and some stuff to stay the night, and headed over.

When I arrived mom was sitting on her chair leaning forward, with a distinctive gurgling sound emanating from her throat as she breathed. She sounds like that when she needed to be suctioned of saliva, but this time they couldn’t reach it. Dad was on his knees in front of her hold her head up. She felt like she couldn’t breathe if she leaned back in her normal position.

They’d called hospice, and the on-call nurse was on her way. Though they were in the middle of another emergency so she wasn’t there yet. She came and helped us dose morphine. It would help mom breathe and make her comfortable enough to sit in her normal position. She told me that it was possible the aspirated fluids would cause pneumonia, which would pretty much be fatal to mom. So I was prepared for this to be the start of the end. That wouldn’t happen overnight though. I expected the night to be rough, and mom’s breathing to really start to decline over the next few days.

After a second dose of morphine at midnight, mom finally was able to go to sleep with the BiPap machine on. The caregiver took up a seat around the corner in the TV room (she can hear mom from there and can watch her from behind). Dad crashed out on the couch across the room, though he only lightly dozed. I went in to the guest bedroom, where I read Brokeback Mountain and then turned out the lights. I got about 2 hours of sleep.

At 3 am the caregiver woke me. Again it was the end, according to her. She wanted me to call Joe. She and dad had taken off mom’s bipap because she was essentially choking on the air. It should self-adjust to her breathing, but it could no longer do so. Her inhale would stop as soon the air started going in. Mom was mostly coherent. She was having a fit like normal when she was extremely uncomfortable but couldn’t explain why or how to fix things. She wouldn’t really communicate anything except that whatever it was we were doing wasn’t working. She spelled out “UP” to me with her foot. She wanted to go back to the forward position she’d been in when I arrived at 9. Dad can’t make out what she’s saying when she spells with her feet, and lots of times I can’t either. But I got that, and she relaxed when I said it. We got her leaned forward. However, she didn’t respond to anything else we asked. She could hear, but didn’t do anything more than move her feet in response, and not in a coherent way. In other words, she moved to indicate distress but not communication. She was so anxious that responding with “right foot yes, left foot no” wasn’t working. I then went in to the hall and called Joe. I told him Mom was not responsive and he should come up.

I called Elaine to tell her mom’s condition and to give her a chance to say goodbye over the phone in case it was the end. But she didn’t answer. I called Dan, and after the grogginess left him held the phone to mom’s ear. She wasn’t moving except occasionally in distress at that point. Then Joe arrived. He called Elaine but no answer, and then Elaine’s husband with no answer. They called back shortly thereafter though. Phones had been recharging in another room. Held the phone up to mom’s ear and they both said good bye. We told Elaine we thought mom could hear but weren’t sure. He asked mom to wiggle her toe if she could hear, and she did, which was the first time since 3 that she had done anything responsive. So we held the phone up so Elaine could talk some more since we knew mom could hear.

At this point I still wasn’t certain if it was the end, or if her being non-responsive was a result of the morphine. Morphine can make you sedated when you first take it, and that could easily be the reason why she wasn’t responsive. At 6 I called hospice because I wanted guidance. I knew there wasn’t really anything they could do to fix mom, though. The regularly scheduled visit was supposed to be Wednesday, and I asked her to get them to move it to first thing. They said they would. They would likely put mom on a morphine pump. At this point, I expected that mom had very little time left, but I wanted an idea of how much and an idea of whether she would be lucid at all again. That was essentially what I wanted when the nurse came.

After talking with hospice, we leaned mom back somewhat, but not as far back as she normally sat with the bipap. THe closer to supine she was, the harder it would be for her to breathe. Her diaphragm works against gravity in that position rather than orthogonally. So we didn’t go as far back because I didn’t want to hurry her death. But we couldn’t hold her head up anymore as we were getting very tired. So we went back just enough that her head leaned back against the back of the chair, and then used a piece of cloth to hold it in place.

The morning caregiver called at 5:45. I suspect she wasn’t going to come in, but Dad said mom was dying and so both her and her mom came (her mom is another one of our caregivers). We alternated holding mom’s hand and waited. This period feels busy, but I can’t recall what happened, if we had anyone come by or talk on the phone. The fourth caregiver also came in. I’m glad she did, and she was there almost until the end. She’s passed all her tests to become an LPN, but just hasn’t received the certificate yet. She’s the most medically qualified of the people we hired. Rock steady as a caregiver as well. Oh, the next door neighbor came by and held mom’s hand for an hour or so. She and mom were good friends. She then went to work, but they told her to go home at noon because she was so distracted. We sent the overnight caregiver home. Told her that she needed some rest if she was going to come back that night. She made me promise to call her after hospice arrived and told us anything.

At 8:45 the hospice nurse called. She had ordered the morphine pump and was waiting at the pharmacy for it. She expected that to take a half hour, and another half hour after that to get to our house. She arrived just before ten. She installed the pump and explained everything to us. She took mom’s pulse, temperature, measured her breathing. She told us that typically people in mom’s condition live another 12 to 24 hours. Not a few days as I thought might be the case with pneumonia. She might have some lucid moments but that was not guaranteed. Likely she’d aspirated so much fluid that the remaining space in her lungs couldn’t absorb enough oxygen, particular since her muscles couldn’t move her lungs very well either. Her heart rate would accelerate as her breathing weakened trying to make up for less oxygen in the blood. And then it would lessen as lack of oxygen affected the heart itself. Her extremities would turn blue and the color change would travel from the ends toward her torso.

Before she arrived and told us that, I called Jason. THe plan had been originally for him to come up and we would work on his resume. THen my grandparents wanted to visit and so Jason would drive them up (mom gets upset when they drive) and they’d visit mom while Jason and I worked on his resume. I told him mom took a turn for the worse, though we didn’t know much at that point. But things obviously had changed from Monday’s plans. I wanted to make sure he was okay with the changed conditions. I told him mom was unconscious and had been nonresponsive since 4:30 or so. My grandparents might be upset. So I wasn’t sure if he wanted to drive people he barely knew into that situation. He was willing.

We called both Elaine and Dan to tell them. I left mom’s around 11, headed home for a quick shower and supplies. I expected to hold vigil at mom’s overnight. I called my grandparents on the drive back and explained mom’s changed condition. They took the news pretty well, though I didn’t give them the time prognosis. And I also called the overnight caregiver. I got back to mom’s around 12:30.

The hospice nurse had left by then. The hospice social worker had also arrived and left. The caregivers had moved mom from her chair to her bed. I can’t remember the reason.

We were still alternating people holding mom’s hand. Her breathing was very irregular at that point, and her legs were blue up her calves. Someone from the church came and prayed with mom. The rest of the family were talking, holding conversations, keeping the room as pleasant as possible. Jason arrived with my grandparents. Mom’s breathing stopped, and Joe held her hand as her heart stopped. It was 1:50.