Maybe my 2013 resolutions

I had one resolution for 2012. I was going to enjoy my two month road trip around the country. Mission accomplished!

What are my resolutions for 2013? I’m not completely certain. Here’s some ideas.

  • I’d like to successfully finish the coding project I just took on.
  • Other than the week I was on the cruise, my reading in 2012 continued the slump that began in 2011. I’d like to get back to reading more. I’m not sure what to do about that though.
    • Join or start a book club?
    • More social reading events?
    • Block out time for reading?
    • Re-read something I really enjoy?

    Kinda tied in with this is that I do not want Read Irresponsibly to remain fallow.

  • 2012 was a lonely year. The woman I was seeing casually at the end of 2011, things did not work out with her after I returned from my trip. I’m not sure what kind of relationship I want though. And I’m really having a hard time following through with my attempts to do anything so far. I re-activated my account on OkCupid, but I haven’t even looked at it in 3 weeks. The thought of selling my good qualities through correspondence there just fills me with dread. There is one person I met in person (not through OkCupid) a week or so ago that I will ask out, and getting a yes/no answer on whether to go on a first date sounds so much more appealing than what seems to happen on OkCupid. OkCupid, must be doing it wrong.
  • There’s a genealogy certificate program at the UW. I’m interested in pursuing that, but I don’t know if that’s doable.

What other possibilities? I don’t know.

Working out goal

Well, I didn’t get started quite like I wanted, but I’m moving on it now. Sometimes the universe conspires against you and the best thing to do is use it as inspiration.

When you are out of shape getting you’re heart rate up for cardio is really easy. According to the machine 32 minutes, 3500 strides, 292 calories.

Also, using the phone keyboard feels very odd with the left tip of my thumb still healing. I can’t feel the keys normally. Just a tingly sensation.

2011 Goals – Week 1

I have the internet, and I’m not afraid to write stuff on it that you don’t care about!

Grandparents’ estate: Received and cashed a check from the last insurance policy for my grandparents. Notified the CPA of the same payment. Submitted a claim to the state for a death benefit for my grandfather. Waiting for CPA to do tax return.

Mom’s estate: Got confirmation that her IRA was moved into a new account at Vanguard. Confirmed with Vanguard that they have the transfer paperwork to move it to RBC. Waiting for transfer to happen. Waiting for RBC new account confirmations. Following that, paying lawyers and CPAs, filing with probate.

Gym: Fail.

Cooking: Cooked twice this week successfully. Attempted a third time but botched the meal. Should start tracking how many times I eat out.

Swedish: About 3 hours spent on Swedish, mostly on pronunciation. Understand the basics of Swedish pronunciation, but not the multitudes of special cases. Game theory: Fail.

Dating: Did not ask anyone out this week.

Travel: Not yet booked.

House: Cleaned up for 15 minutes 5 of 7 nights this week. Productivity: Was productive 4 mornings by 10 a.m., and most mornings shortly after 9 a.m. Friday was not productive at all.

Book blog: Installed theme and contact form for one piece of transfer. Need to do formatting and enter data.

2011 Goals

Only occasionally will I make New Year’s goals. A new year is kind of an arbitrary time to do this, but I haven’t been doing the things I need to do to get the things I want. I’ve been mentally distracted by taking care of family and estates. But while I accept that such things are understandable reasons for not achieving what I want, I’m not going to be visited by the success fairy. So this is as good a time as any to make some commitments to change.

My philosophy on goals is that they are a road map rather than a straight-jacket. I don’t consider it failure if I don’t achieve what I want. The idea is that I have something to focus on when I make a choice. Should I do A or B? Which one is on my goals? It’s also useful in holding myself accountable in the steps taken along the way. These can also be changed if I change my priorities. But for now, this is what I want.


My goals this year are to wrap up the estates of my grandparents and my mother. Both should be getting close and are mostly not in my control. I do want to really push to get items related to these done when they fall into my hands. I commit to writing about what I have to do and what I’ve done weekly.

It’s not exactly a goal for the year, but I also commit to saying no to new big family commitments for 2011. I don’t know what will come up, so I can’t say this absolutely. But I do need to step back and let Joe and Elaine take the lead with things unless there’s no way around it. This does not mean I do nothing. I will not take the day to day lead shepherding my step-father through his cancer treatment choices, for instance. If I do not, I will probably need to be committed. I had some moments last year where I felt as close to a breakdown as I ever have.


I want to be in better shape. I weighed in at 186 pounds a couple of days ago. I would like to be at 175 pounds and toned by the end of the year. I also would like to be able to dance for an hour straight. I commit to working out at the gym twice a week through March, and three times a week until the end of the year or I achieve both results. I have a membership at 24 Hour Fitness. If anyone else has a membership there and would like to be workout buddies, please comment.

I generally don’t keep snack foods in the house. The idea is that if I have to cook to eat, I won’t munch. I’ve eaten out more than I’d like though. I commit to cooking meals twice per week (with leftovers to eat, ideally). If they are new recipes, I will post them here. If repeats, I’ll just Facebook that I’ve cooked. I refuse to apologize for turning Facebook into a verb.


I want to learn Swedish. I bought a Swedish course on CD. I commit to spending two hours a week working on it. If it turns out to be a bad one, I will find another method.

I also want to finish the Game Theory course I poked at last summer. I commit to spending two hours per week working on that.


I like to be spending time with someone with whom I click. Until I have a significant other, I will ask out a person at least twice a month. This will probably be the hardest of all my goals because even though I’ve done this a lot, I’ve never gotten over the initial fear of putting myself out there. I do it. But it scares me every time.


I will road trip the U.S. this year.

I will visit another country (besides Canada) this year.

Travel companions desired.


I will spend 15 minutes every evening tidying up my place. People may test me on this by stopping by relatively unexpectedly. If my place is not presentable, you get the drink of your choice.

I will be productive by 9 a.m. every weekday morning.

This last one is less a goal for 2011 than a goal for January. I will get my book blog moved to Read Irresponsibly by the end of the month. I will abandon getting the site done perfectly in favor of getting it done.