I watched Hundreds of Beavers on Kanopy (courtesy of SFPL). I didn’t find it as funny as a lot of other people seemed to. To me, it would have been better if it had been cut back 20-30 minutes, as the gags felt repetitive to me.
The Bots
Having a hard time focusing on work this afternoon, so here’s a short post on one of my favorite music discoveries of the last year. The Bots are a punkish duo out of Los Angeles. These two kids have talent. Listen to ʼem now so you can be of of the people who can say I’ve been listening to them since before they were popular!
Check out their web site to play all their songs, but here’s the video for the song that got me hooked:
Tolling 520
In a moment of brain fog, I turned left… onto the 520 on-ramp instead of heading north on Montlake. You know, just after the last exit before tolling. To add insult to insult, it’s not like tolling on most roads on the east coast, where I could have paid the toll, gotten off at the next exit, and driven back on surface streets. The only way back without spending an extra 45 minutes on the road is to get back on 520 and pay the toll going the other way.
This was an expensive grocery shopping trip.
Reflective license plates
When renewing my tabs, the state Department of Licensing required that I purchase new license plates. My old ones are over seven years old, which meant that the reflective coating has worn off, according to them. So new ones (costing $20) it is!
I thought of a way to extend the life of these new plates though! I could add glitter to make them even more reflective!
Oddly enough, I have some leftover blue glitter that almost exactly matches the hue of the blue lettering on my plates.