I got a little pissy with the doctor’s office this morning on a referral. Not hugely so. Just enough to let them know this was not a routine matter.
Upshot is, they got the referral done. They called the other doctor, and he’s going to get my mom in at 4 pm today for Botox. This is still a hail mary pass, but it’s the first time something has gone right in a few weeks. So I am happy.
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That’s great that you could get her that appt. It’s pissy for a good reason.
Got tired of getting the runaround. Doctor said he’d do the referral a month ago, then went on vacation the day after and didn’t remember after he got back from vacation. Then said again that he’d do it last Thursday, but had done nothing as of yesterday.
Drive by observation:
You’re doing all that anyone could expect of you, and so much more. I’m not complimenting you by telling you this, I’m just stating it so you know that it’s being observed by other people.
I’ve got a lot of pride in what you’ve been doing through this incredibly difficult time.
What you’re doing matters, and you’re doing it right.
I don’t even know if that counts as “pissy”, really.
They were being blatantly negligent and you called them on it. It may include the same tone and language as “pissy”, but its not the same.
Good on ya. It means a lot to me to see patients or patient advocates demanding that things be done right. I wish they didn’t have to do it, but I’m thankful for those that will.
Thank you Phil.