One down, caregiver land

Well, yesterday there was an incident with the weekend caregiver. Turns out she was wrong. She can’t do 3 day shifts with my mom since she needs too much help and doesn’t sleep enough to let the caregiver catnap. So rather than admit this, first she badgered my mom into taking morphine. My mom doesn’t want to be groggy. Turns out on top of being groggy morphine makes my mom think bugs are crawling on her. On top of that, the woman called replacement caregivers to come in yesterday without first calling me or joe. Two huge no-nos.

Tomorrow i have a ton of phone calls to make. So not wanting to do this.

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8 thoughts on “One down, caregiver land”

  1. Argh. So that means you need 1 or more people to replace 3 days worth of caregiving, correct?

  2. Yup. I’ve got some good possibilities though. And going to try my damnedest to get two people so we don’t have long shifts. Since my mom isn’t sleeping much, neither are they.

  3. Oh, that’s awful. I’m so sorry. That’s so unfair to you and your mother. I am just furious with that caregiver – I can appreciate that she needs to rest to adequately care for your mother, but this was not compassionate, competent care she deserves.

    Assuming your mother is not adverse to medication, and the morphine was being administered to encourage her to sleep, perhaps switching to a mild hypnotic would help? Opiates are notorious for their druggy side effects, but something like StarNoc might help your mom sleep longer, and afford the care giver a nap. And if she’s not interested in medication, I sincerely hope you get a good, patient home care worker in soon.

  4. Hearing this doesn’t surprize me. I wanted to give her the benifit of the doubt the day we were up, but it did seem like she would rather Dorinda compromise to make it easier for her than the other way around.

    It there an option to just have 1 person on a day shift and 1 person on a night shift?

  5. Good caregivers to meet up with certain needs is akin to dating and finding that ‘right person’. I’m sorry to hear about this and hope you can find a good match.

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