Last of the cassettes

I got rid of most of my cassettes 18 years ago, but kept a few. I got rid of my stereo 5 years ago. I am now going through the leftover tapes still on my shelf. Why did I keep these?

  • Baltimora – Living in the Background. Ok, this one made sense to keep. It was hard to find for a while.
  • Phil Collins – …But Seriously. But seriously, I don’t remember any of the songs on this tape.
  • Dire Straits – Brothers In Arms. Great album. Coulda replaced it with a CD or MP3 long ago.
  • Icehouse – Icehouse, Man of Colours and Measure for Measure.
  • The Polce – Every Breath You Take – The Singles. I kept a greatest hits tape on cassette? What was I thinking?
  • Two Hooters concert bootlegs. My favorite band ever. I need to find a way to transfer these to MP3.
  • Tom Petty – Full Moon Fever.
  • U2 – The Joshua Tree. I used to listen to this tape over and over and over. I think my musical tastes have changed.
  • Aerosmith – Big Ones. Someone left this at my house and I didn’t want to give it away in case they came back for it. In like 1991.
  • Two tapes labeled Matt Bender. I don’t remember what these are, if they are tapes of my brother speaking, mix tapes he made for me, or possibly recordings of his memorial service.
  • 5 tapes of people telling their stories at a sober conference in Breckenridge that I went to in 1993 and 1994. Will call the Seattle office and see if they would like these. Otherwise, I have no need to keep them anymore.
  • A tape of Abbott and Costello routines. I’m pretty sure most of these (Who’s On First?) are on Youtube now.
  • Pump Up The Volume. Not the soundtrack. I recorded the audio from the movie.
  • Copies of albums made from CD: Was (Not Was), Lotus, and Don McLean. Not sure if I can find my Lotus CD anymore, but that will be hard to replace. The other two…

I swear I’m not a hoarder.

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One thought on “Last of the cassettes”

  1. “Someone left this at my house and I didn’t want to give it away in case they came back for it. In like 1991.”

    I laughed out loud. A+

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